Top Six Reasons to Use a Professional Video Producer

When you're ready to jump into video storytelling for your business, it can be tempting to use in-house resources who are not video professionals to create your videos.  They’re being paid to be there anyway, they know the company best and they have some spare time on top of their other duties. 

However, there are hidden costs and disadvantages to this approach. 

Here are the top six reasons to use a pro:

1 - Efficiency. The entire video production process is a series of decisions. Experience informs these decisions and leads to more efficient production processes. A professional video producer has the experience to know how to tackle the project in the most efficient way possible.  It’s the only way they will make money and provide value. 

2 - Time. The in-house resource, intern or marketing assistant was probably hired to spend their time on a host of other duties besides video. They likely have a great interest in making videos, but no real experience and likely consumer-level tools at best. Their time is better spent doing what they were hired to do.

3 - Cost. The most tempting part of using in-house resources is the cost of hiring a professional. But there are many hidden costs to this decision.  Time is money and your time managing the project is just one of those hidden costs. Using a professional means you can let it go and get back to your real job. There’s also the cost of the equipment. Your in-house resource is going to ask for money for equipment. If you’re not a video production company or going to do video every day, it doesn’t make sense to buy pro-level gear.

4 - Project Completion. Within organizations, people move on to new roles or get pulled into different, more urgent projects. If the in-house resource can’t continue the project, another individual within the company would need to pick up the pieces and try to figure it out.  A professional would know the vision and be able to provide continuity, keeping the project moving on to completion.

5 - Quality.  Your in-house resource, with less experience and consumer-level tools simply cannot match the quality of a professional. If the video is intended to be seen by outside prospects or partners, the quality will reflect on your organization as a whole.  This is another hidden cost of doing the project in house.  A professional can dial in an appropriate level of quality for the budget they have to work with and make your organization look good. A well-produced video resonates with more people for longer and casts your company in the best possible light.

6 - Outside perspective. Within organizations, groupthink can take over.  It can be more difficult for someone close to the organization to cut content down and tell the story because they’re too close to it. The outside perspective of a professional producer is valuable in helping distill the story into something pithy, poignant and timeless.

Internal resources and consumer tools are perfect for capturing spontaneous events, internal meeting documentation or creating quick social media clips, slide shows or short email signature videos.

Professional video producers work efficiently to deliver an effective cinematic story that provides value for years to come.

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Tim has been in the media production industry since his days as a U.S. Navy shipboard news anchor in the 1980s. Tim has a BA in Visual Communication from the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communications. He has been President of Mastcom since 2002.